Ayuda con esto deben escribir la estructura correcta del tiempo futuro usando el going to

On my next holiday, I am going to (are/am going to) to visit USA.
I'm pretty sure my friends are going to (is/are going) to travel with us to Miami and I am going to (are/am going to) stay in a hotel in the city center. We are going to (is/are going to) visit all the important places there; my father says He is (be) going (go) to spend a good time at the beach.
I love sea food, so. My mother is (be) going (go) to eat a lot of delicious fish and more.
After two weeks, on the 24th of July, I am going to fly home It's going to be an exciting trip!
I'm getting hungry. I think, I am going (are/am going) to make myself a sandwich.
Susie is going to (is/are going to) to buy bread. Tommy my brother is going to (is/am going to) drive during the trip
Espero te sirva