• Asignatura: Inglés
  • Autor: alejandra2037
  • hace 5 años

Biografía de Benito Juárez en ingles, utilizando el pasado simple y el verbo to be


Respuesta dada por: knranajo17

Respuesta: hola

Explicación:Benito Pablo Juárez García was a Zapotec Amerindian who served five terms as president of Mexico[1]: 1858–1861 as interim, 1861–1865, 1865–1867, 1867–1871 and1871–1872. For resisting the French occupation, overthrowing the Empire, and restoring the Republic, as well as for his efforts to modernize the country, Juárez is often regarded as Mexico's greatestand most beloved leader. Juárez was recognized by the United States as a ruler in exile during the French-controlled Second Mexican Empire, and got their support in reclaiming Mexico under the MonroeDoctrine after the United States Civil War ended. Benito Juárez was the first Mexican leader who did not have a military background, and also the first full-blooded indigenous national to serve asPresident of Mexico and to lead a country in the Western Hemisphere in over 300 years.

Juárez was born in the small village of San Pablo Guelatao, Oaxaca, located in the mountain range now known as the"Sierra Juárez." His parents, Marcelino Juárez and Brígida García were peasants who died when he was three years old. He described his parents as "Indios de la raza primitiva del país," that is,"Indians of the original race of the country." He worked in the corn fields and as a shepherd until the age of 12. On December 17, 1818, he walked to the city of Oaxaca looking to educate himself and find abetter life. At the time, he was illiterate and could not speak Spanish, only Zapotec.

In the city, where his sister worked as a cook, he took a job as a domestic servant and eagerly made up for hislack of education. A lay Franciscan, Antonio Salanueva, was impressed with young Benito's intelligence and thirst for learning, and arranged for his placement at the city's seminary. He studied therebut decided to pursue law rather than the priesthood. He graduated from the seminary in 1827 and went on to gain a degree in law.

Today Benito Juárez is remembered as being a progressive reformer...

Respuesta dada por: edgarjuliancoriaflor


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En Español:

Benito Juárez nació en Oaxaca, el 21 de marzo de 1806. Sus padres fueron los campesinos Marcelino Juárez y Brígida García. Cuando tenía tres años de edad quedó huérfano y desde entonces fue criado por sus abuelos.


Estudió para ser abogado y al titularse en 1834 empezó a trabajar defendiendo a los indígenas. Paralelamente fue profesor y ocupó puestos importantes en Oaxaca.  

En 1847, fue elegido diputado y se trasladó a Ciudad de México donde se unió a los liberales. En 1855 el presidente Juan N. Álvarez lo nombró Ministro de Justicia e Instrucción. Desde este cargo recortó los privilegios del clero y el ejército.  

En 1858, se convirtió en Presidente de México y al año siguiente promulgó la "Ley de Nacionalización de los Bienes Eclesiásticos". Derrotó a los conservadores en 1860 con la ayuda de Estados Unidos. En 1862 los franceses invadieron México y Benito Juárez lideró la resistencia, logrando derrotar al emperador Maximiliano I en 1867.  

En 1867, Benito Juárez fue reelegido como Presidente de la República. Entonces expandió la educación gratuita y obligatoria por todo el país. También extendió los ferrocarriles y telegráfos. En 1871, postuló nuevamente a la presidencia y resultó ganador. Pero el 18 de julio de 1872 falleció por una enfermedad de los pulmones.

En English:

Benito Juárez was born in Oaxaca on March 21, 1806. His parents were the peasants Marcelino Juárez and Brígida García. When he was three years old he was orphaned and since then he was raised by his grandparents.


He studied to be a lawyer and when he graduated in 1834 he began to work defending the indigenous people. At the same time he was a professor and held important positions in Oaxaca.

In 1847, he was elected deputy and moved to Mexico City where he joined the Liberals. In 1855 President Juan N. Álvarez appointed him Minister of Justice and Instruction. From this position he cut the privileges of the clergy and the army.

In 1858, he became President of Mexico and the following year he promulgated the "Law of Nationalization of Ecclesiastical Assets". He defeated the Conservatives in 1860 with the help of the United States. In 1862 the French invaded Mexico and Benito Juárez led the resistance, managing to defeat Emperor Maximilian I in 1867.

In 1867, Benito Juárez was re-elected as President of the Republic. Then he expanded free and compulsory education throughout the country. He also extended the railroads and telegraphs. In 1871, he ran again for the presidency and was the winner. But on July 18, 1872, he died of a disease of the lungs


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