Vas a completar esa tabla con que tanta frecuencia haces cada cosa y una oracion:
Watch TV - Sometimes - My brother sometimes watches TV
Listen to music- Always - My sister always listens to music
Go to the library- Never- My brother never goes to the library
Read a book- Hardly ever- My sister hardly ever reads a book
Do the homework- Always - My brother always does the homework
go to the parties - Always- My sister always goes to the parties
Si quieres contesto las otras solo dimelo :)
Watch TV:Actidad Always/everyday frequencia y ya sabes como hacer oraciones en ingles o si no comenta para que te explique.
Listen music actividad, everyday frequencia, I listen every day the music "Baby Shark" xD es un ejemplo.
Go to the library actividad, some times frequencia, My brother is going to the library sometimes.
Read a book actividad, very litle(si no sabes que es:muy poco) frequency,My mom read a book very litle on the week.
Do the homework actividad, every day frequecia,We are doing the homework every day.
Go to the parties actividad,some times frequencia, My sister is going to the partys some times.
-Espero que te haya aclarado un poco-
Alli dice que deves poner segun la actividad frequencia y oracion asi seria las 6 oraciones.