• Asignatura: Inglés
  • Autor: yeniper13
  • hace 9 años

Por favor para que me ayuden con esta actividad de INGLES
Use either the past continuous or the simple past as convenient
1-helen____________ (have) a sandwich because she couldn't have lunch at home
2-My brother____________ (win)a scholarchip a year ago
3-the boys__________ (play) tennis when it started to rain
4-when you_________ (be) at the dentist’s, was studying at the library

Complete the following sentences in past continuaus or simple past
1-I was having breakfast when_________
2- When you saw the children, they_______________
3-when peter last talked to mary,_________
4-the electricity went off when_________________
5-while I was attending the seminar in Paris, my friend

Answer these questions
1-what was your mother dong when you first saw her this morning?
2-was yor father having breakfast when you left home this morning? What was he having?
3- What were you doing when the teacher came into the classran this morning?
4-what were you and your friends doing when the bell rang for the lunch break?
5-what was Mr. Parker doing while his wife was talking on the phone


Respuesta dada por: BrownieyMenta
1. Had 2. Won 3. Were playing 4. Were ////// 1. My mom arrived 2. Were playing 3. I was with him. 4. Was taking a shower 5. Had an accident ////// 1. She was making the breaksfast. 2. No, he was not. He was working. 3. I was listening to music. 4. We were doing some math exercises. 5. He was sleeping.
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