• Asignatura: Inglés
  • Autor: egarcia9696
  • hace 4 años

· Completa los espacios con el verbo dado entre paréntesis haciendo uso de las reglas del presente simple cuando sea necesario y luego traduce:

1. Anne (work) in a language school.

2. She (fry) the chicken.

3. he (teach) English.

4. Her students (come) from all the world.

5. Anne usually (go) to school by bus.

6. On the bus she (watch) movies by her phone.

7. She (think) Manuel is crazy.

8. They (know) what to say.

9. Camilo (mix) the food slowly.

10. He (listen to) music in class.

11. I (study) in Medellin.

12. She (wash) her dirty clothes on weekend.

13. My aunt (wash) her car every week.

14. Paul (sleep) seven hours a day.

15. Mary and John (stay) at home.

16. She always (win) the race.


Respuesta dada por: pelaezleyva12


1. works

2. fries

3. teaches

4. come

5. goes

6. watches

7. thinks

8. know

9. mixes

10. listens to

11. study

12. washes

13. washes

14. sleeps

15. stay

16. wins

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