Muestras sutiles de este machismo se manifiestan en la participación de horas dedicadas al trabajo doméstico y de cuidados no remunerados, pues los hombres contribuyen con un 22.8%, mientras que las mujeres realizan el restante, 77.2% (INEGI, 2015).
La cultura y la sociedad ejercieron una fuerte influencia para que la mujer se encargara exclusivamente de las tareas domésticas y de aquellas relacionadas con el cuidado de las hijas e hijos, mientras que se esperaba que el padre fuera el único proveedor económico del hogar, exhimiéndolo por completo de su corresponsabilidad en las labores de la casa.
Neutral and non-discriminatory language in job offers. Although not explicit or obvious, the language and tone used to recruit candidates may be geared more to one sex than the other. Something as simple as adapting the wording of the offer to both sexes (example: warehouse waiter), in addition to avoiding sanctions by the Administration, will make all professionals feel identified, regardless of gender.
Incorporation of the principle of gender equality in all company policies, internal and external, or the design of protocols for the prevention and reporting of sexual harassment.
Blind resume. This new model consists of eliminating all binding data from the curriculum, such as the sex, age or origin of the professional. The objective: that the company only has the relevant information for the position
Training for Human Resources Departments in Diversity. Those responsible for Human Resources are no longer mere managers of labor relations, but promoters of an entrepreneurial culture. Therefore, and based on the commitment of senior management, training must be aimed at eliminating the vices acquired in the selection processes, as well as the wealth that a diverse team contributes to the entire organization. In addition, those responsible for HR must be able to detect and manage any form of discrimination at work.
. Derived from the above, the selection processes must be guided by the values, knowledge, attitudes and experiences of the applicants. In this sense, it is possible to radiograph what the company needs, for example: versatility, dynamism, computer skills and establish a scoring system in the interviews, which evaluates the candidates on these items and not based on sociodemographic data, which does not they say nothing. of its value, like sex.
In the present case, focusing the Diversity strategy on talent and dignity will allow us to see women as a person and as a professional, without room for prejudices and / or stereotyped beliefs.
I hope I have helped you friend :)