• Asignatura: Inglés
  • Autor: thamara0430
  • hace 4 años

1 What 's your name? Thomas
a How
b Who
c What
d Were
2 This is Lucy and her brother, Dmy friends.
a We're
b I'm
c You're
d They're
3 Where ? I'm from Italy.
aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa Where are you from? b Where you are from? c Where from you are? d From whaya me diturasai a They is in Italy.
a They
b It
c He
d She
4 Excuse me, how spell you your last name? R-I-L-E-Y
a spell
b you spell
c do you spell d spell you
5 Oh, this These
6 are my keys!
a This
b These
c That
d It
7 I'd like a omelette, please.
a a
b ¯
c an
d two
2 / 5
8 And here is your desk.
a desk
b desks.
c a desk
d an desk.
9 My name's Pete and this is Sylvia. they doctors from France.
a I'm
b We're
c She's
d They're
10 Sorry, im not Paul. My name's Eric.
a I isn't
b I is not
c I aren't
d I'm not
11 Is Mr Banning a teacher? No, he isn't.
a Are they teachers? b Are you from Italy?
c Is Mr Banning a teacher? d Is this your phone?
12 What years is the school? It's 50 years old
a How many years b How much years c What years
d How old
13 What is Mary Job ?
a job Mary
b Mary job
c Mary's job d job's Mary
14 Your bag is next on the table.
a on
b to
c in
d of
15 Who are the keys? On the table.
a What
b When
c Where
d Who
16 I go to work in train.
a with
b by
c for
d in
17 She don’t has a dog.
a not have b don't have c don't has
d doesn't have
18 Stephen work in our company.
a work
b works
c is work
d working
19 Is they live in London?
a Are
b Is
c Do
d Does
3 / 5
20 We not often go to the cinema.
a We not often go b We don't go often c We don't often go d Often we don't go
21 When do you play tennis? In Mondays.
a On
b In
c At
d By
22 What time do he starts work?
a starts he
b do he starts
c does he starts d does he start
23 This is two airports in the city.
a It is
b There is
c There are
d This is
24 There aren't a restaurants here.
a a restaurants
b any restaurants c any restaurant d a restaurant
25 I'm afraid it's a hotel expesive .
a a hotel expensive b expensive hotel
c expensive a hotel d an expensive hotel
26 They were popular TV programmes in the 1980s.
a are
b were
c was
d is
27 Do you were at school last week?
a Do you were b Was you
c Were you
d You were
28 Brad Pitt is a popular actor but I don't like .
a him
b his
c her
d them
29 We the film last week.
a see
b saw
c sees
d were see
30 He tennis with me yesterday.
a doesn't played b didn't played
c not played d didn't play
31 She was born on May 6th, 1979.
a in
b at
c on
d from
4 / 5
32 Where last summer?
a you went
b did you went c do you went d did you go
33 Were you at 5 p.m. yesterday? No, I a didn't
b am not
c wasn't
d weren't
Excuse me, is the T-shirt? It's ₤25.99.
a what expensive b how much
c how many
d how price
35 She's only four but she .
a can read
b cans read
c can reads d cans reads
36 This party is boring. We a good time.
a don't have
b aren't having c don't having d aren't have
37 Sorry, I you at the moment.
a can't help
b don't can help c can't helping d can't helps
38 I my computer very often.
a am not using b don't use
c doesn't use d am not use
39 It's my mum's birthday next week. I her a present.
a buy
b buys
c am going to buy d buying
40 What do after school today?
a are you going to b are you
c do you
d you

41 Gina is married to John. He's her a uncle
b husband
c wife
d parent
42 We usually the shopping in a supermarket. a make
b do
c have
d go
43 I love this watch! It's .
5 / 5
a cheap
b small
c beautiful
d ugly
44 He doesn't have a car so he often uses public . a taxi
b transport
c car
d bus
45 I don't go to on Sundays. a job
b office
c factory
d work
46 Do you like Chinese ? a kitchen
b meal
c food
d cook
47 They hardly visit us. a ever
b sometimes c never
d usually
48 I'm Jeff Caine. Nice to you, Mr Caine. a speak
b talk
c meet
d watch
49 Can I help you? Thanks, but I'm just . a watching
b looking
c seeing
d shopping
50 Mandy is over there. She's a blue T-shirt and jeans. a having
b wearing
c doing
d walking​


Respuesta dada por: agarciaalvarez


You are a girl


Because you are a asshole

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