• Asignatura: Inglés
  • Autor: tywhor
  • hace 5 años

necesito un parrafo en ingles con have to​


Respuesta dada por: tibisaysantiagoperez


: I have to meet with my parents right away because a relative has just died, so I have to pick my brother and my sister up at the the central park, If not My parents have to ground me, and What I really don't have to do now is to go out because I had thought to do it but now I might not be able to go.


espero te ayude de mucho

tywhor: muchas gracias
Respuesta dada por: nathalymichelleoliva


paragraph in English with have to


Yesterday I went to the medical check-up since I was not in good health and indeed the doctor told me that I had neglected my health, so he told me that I had to take many antibiotics so I refused but he only answered me with a have to do it for his health to which I could not refuse anymore

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