• Asignatura: Inglés
  • Autor: adrianelmejor77788
  • hace 5 años

Trasduscanme esto a inglesh porfa

Corrigan todos su errores al mejor le dare 50 puntos

Simón Bolívar nació en Caracas el 24 de julio 1783. Sus padres fueron Juan Vicente
Bolívar y María Concepción Palacios, aristócratas y terratenientes criollos. En su niñez fue
alumno de los ilustres Simón Rodríguez y Andrés Bello. En 1799, viajó a España para completar
su educación. Estando en el Monte Sacro (15-8-1805) expresó su anhelo de luchar por la libertad
de su patria. Regresando a Venezuela se hizo protagonista de los principales sucesos y batallas
por la Independencia de Nueva Granada, a la que bautizó como República de Gran Colombia.
En 1823, llegó al Perú donde organizó el Ejército Unido Libertador que logró las
victorias de Junín y Ayacucho (1824). Permaneció en Lima hasta 1826 organizando la
Federación de los Andes, proyecto que uniría a la Gran Colombia, Perú y Bolivia. Retornando
a Bogotá no pudo superar los planes nacionalistas de Caracas y Quito. Simón Bolívar renunció
al poder en abril de 1830, y se retiró a Santa Marta. Aquí se agravó su tisis pulmonar y falleció
el 17 de diciembre de 1830.


Respuesta dada por: paulina0837


Caracas on July 24, 1783. His parents were Juan Vicente

Bolívar and María Concepción Palacios, aristocrats and Creole landowners. In his childhood he was

student of the illustrious Simón Rodríguez and Andrés Bello. In 1799, he traveled to Spain to complete

their education. While on the Monte Sacro (15-8-1805) he expressed his desire to fight for freedom

of their homeland. Returning to Venezuela, he became the protagonist of the main events and battles

for the Independence of New Granada, which he baptized as the Republic of Gran Colombia.

In 1823, he arrived in Peru where he organized the United Liberation Army that achieved the

victories of Junín and Ayacucho (1824). He remained in Lima until 1826 organizing the

Federation of the Andes, a project that would unite Greater Colombia, Peru and Bolivia. Returning

Bogotá could not overcome the nationalist plans of Caracas and Quito. Simón Bolívar resigned

to power in April 1830, and retired to Santa Marta. Here his pulmonary phthisis worsened and he died on December 17, 1830.



adrianelmejor77788: Gracias
Respuesta dada por: miguelangel108


Correct all your mistakes to the best I will give you 50 points

Simón Bolívar was born in Caracas on July 24, 1783. His parents were Juan Vicente

Bolívar and María Concepción Palacios, aristocrats and Creole landowners. In his childhood he was

student of the illustrious Simón Rodríguez and Andrés Bello. In 1799, he traveled to Spain to complete

their education. While on the Monte Sacro (15-8-1805) he expressed his desire to fight for freedom

of their homeland. Returning to Venezuela, he became the protagonist of the main events and battles

for the Independence of New Granada, which he baptized as the Republic of Gran Colombia.

In 1823, he arrived in Peru where he organized the United Liberation Army that achieved the

victories of Junín and Ayacucho (1824). He remained in Lima until 1826 organizing the

Federation of the Andes, a project that would unite Greater Colombia, Peru and Bolivia. Returning

Bogotá could not overcome the nationalist plans of Caracas and Quito. Simón Bolívar resigned

to power in April 1830, and retired to Santa Marta. Here his pulmonary phthisis worsened and he died

on December 17, 1830.

miguelangel108: es to es lo mejor
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