• Asignatura: Inglés
  • Autor: Shabell05
  • hace 5 años

Instructions: Observe the following pictures and write either formal or informal conversations using greetings
and leave-takings. You can write them on your English notebook or on this guide. Let’s try!


Shabell05: Ayudaaaa
alejandrogutierres50: en que
yomedessalazar2014: ...
silviamata192: Que chido que estén estudiantes de 8° ☺️
silviamata192: ...
silviamata192: :| ♪♥


Respuesta dada por: ester43



Have students write four conversations using the formal and informal expressions reviewed in this lesson.

Observe the following pictures and write either formal or informal conversations using greetings and leave-takings. You can write them on your english notebook or on this guide. Let’s try!


Conversation A: Two new employees greeting their coworkers.

Employeen°1=hello,good morning,


Companions=good morning,it's and honor to meet you...

Employeen°2=how are things?

Companions=Very well thank you,and you...

Employeen°2=I'm Very good ,thank you...


Conversation B: Two guys greeting each other in front of their lockers.

partner1=hEy! partner,what's UP..?

partner2=hi,very well thank you, and you...

partner3=More or less,well we have to go study, goodbay...

partner=nice to meet you ,bay....


Conversation C: A student and his teacher.

student;good morning ,how are you...

theacher: good morning,very good thank you...


theacher;nice to meet you too..


Conversation D: A boy and a girl greeting each other.

child=hi,how are you...

little girl=howdy, I'm very good...

child=see yo later...

little girl=bay,take care



ester43: :)
abigailcortez297: bueno:v
NicoleHercules: gracias, gracias, gracias ✌
juansantos19883000: muchísimas gracias
sofiamerlos81: Hola mil gracias
oscaritofigueroa835: Thanks a lot
AnnaRivas: gracias
elmerantonio0997: gracias
erickeduardo354: noo ya balio madres
Respuesta dada por: mjvo95

En esta actividad debes escribir los diálogos con saludos y despedidas formales e informales.

Saludos y despedidas formales e informales.

El tipo de saludo o despedida que se usa va a depender del contexto de la situación, los saludos informales se usan entre amigos o familia en un ambiente relajado, en cambio los saludos formales se usan en ambientes de trabajo, colegio, o eventos elegantes.

Conversation A: Two new employees greeting their coworkers. (Formal Conversation.)

  • Employee A: Hello, good morning.
  • Coworker A: Good morning, what are your names?
  • Employee B: I'm Anna and he's John.
  • Coworker B: It's a pleasure to meet you, welcome to the company.
  • Employee A: Thank you very much, It's nice to meet you too.
  • Employee B: Have a nice day!

Conversation B: Two guys greeting each other in front of their lockers. (Informal conversation)

  • Guy A: Hey, what's up?
  • Guy B: Hey mate, everything good, how 'bout you?
  • Guy A: You know same old same old, it's good to see you mate.
  • Guy B: It's good to see you too bro, I'm late for class, see you around.
  • Guy A: See you!

Conversation C: A student and his teacher. (Formal conversation)

  • Student: Hello, Mrs. Smith. Good morning.
  • Teacher: Hello, good morning, how are you?
  • Student: I'm fine thank you.
  • Teacher: Nice, have a good day!

Conversation D: A boy and a girl greeting each other. (Informal conversation)

  • Boy: Hi, how you doing?
  • Girl: I'm all good, what about you? What's new?
  • Boy: Nothing special, I gotta go, see you later.
  • Girl: Later.

Puedes ver más saludos y despedidas en inglés aquí brainly.lat/tarea/1144205

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