• Asignatura: Inglés
  • Autor: Damiancillo
  • hace 4 años

cómo se pronuncia Sir. Thomas Carlyle, the president of the exclusive Explorer's Club, was the second suspect. The Club welcomed well known scientists and explorers, but he didn't want any new members. Sir. Thomas was talking to his wife on the phone when Sam was interrogating him.

"No, I haven't seen it, Jane," said Sir. Thomas. "Have you checked the closet? No... Yes, Ok. Bye,” and he hang up

"As I was saying detective Peterson, it's a pity a lovely woman like Lisa had lied about the authenticity of the necklace. It was fake."

Lisa was devastated, she had lost a precious object, a beaut blue nd gold Egyptian necklace from the 6th century BC. "It was a precious jewel of immense value, and they would have let me into the Explorers' Club. I kept it here, in a glass case and someone stole it last night," she told detective Sam Peterson​


Respuesta dada por: YoseRamirez15


Sir Thomas Carlil, de president of de exclusif explorers club, guas de second suspect. De club welcomd guell noun cientists and explorers, but ji dident guant eni niu members. Sir Thomas guas talking tu jis waif on de foun guen Sam guas interrogeiting jim.

"Nou, ai havent sin it, Jane", seid Sir Thomas. " Haf yu checkt de closet? Nou... Yes, Okei. Bai," end ji hang op

"As ai guas seing detectif Pitirson, its a piry a lofli gomen laik Lisa had laied about de autenciri of de necleis. It guas feik."

Lisa guas devasteired, chi had lost a precius obyect, a biut blu nd gould Eyiptian necleis from the sixt century Bi Ci. "It guas a precius yewel of inmens valu, end dei gould haf let mi into de explorers club. I kipt it jer, in a glass queis end somguan stoul it last nait," chi tould detectif Sam Pirerson.

Así es mas o menos la pronunciación, léelo así tal cual esta.


Esperooo te sirvaaa!!

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