now , write ana's profile. The first lines have been written for you
Ana Gabriela Turcios is 25 years old. She lives in urb. Jardines de la senda in Usulutan . Her phone number is 2435-6789 and her mobile phone is 6789-4568. Her email is:
turcios.ana@gmail. com. She studied high school in Complejo Educativo Alberto Masferrer
Studied at the University of Oriente, studied the English course at the English for Business Academy.
Estudió en la Universidad de Oriente, estudió el curso de inglés en la academia de inglés para negocios
(es lo que falta de la respuesta, de ahí terminan con...)
[Currently, she works as a customer sales representative at a call center.]
que en Español sería
[Actualmente, trabaja como representante de ventas al cliente en un centro de llamadas.]
Listo, al menos el perfil de Anna ya lo tenemos. Sólo tienen que hacer uno, o el de Marco, pero este ya está completo, de nada.
In the following activity we will describe the personal, educational and professional Ana's Profile, she may present it correctly in a resume to offer your professional services and opt for a better job.
Ana's Profile
Personal Information
Full Name: Ana Gabriela Turcios
Age: 25
Address: Jardines de la Senda urbanization in Usulutan
Home Phone: 2435-6789.
Mobile Phone: 6789-4568.
Email Address: turcios.ana@gmail
Educational Background
High School: Alberto Masferrer Educational Complex
University: University of Oriente
Carrer: Business Administration
Other: English course at the English Business Academy
Preofessional Background
Job 1: supermarket salesperson
Job 2: customer sales representative at a call center.
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