1.Completa los espacios con What, What time, Who, Where, How, How old, How
many or When. Luego une cada pregunta con la respuestas correctas.
1-___________ is she? She is painting.
2-___________ is it? It’s a lamp.
3-___________ are they? They are best friends.
4-___________ is it? I`m sick.
5-___________ is Christmas? It’s on 25th December.
6-___________ is he? He is a judge.
7-___________ are they? They are in the school bus
8-___________ is he? He is nine years old.
9-___________ is she? She is at school.
10-__________ is he? He is writing.
11-__________ are you going? I’m going to the cinema.
12-__________ are you? It’s a famous museum.
13-__________ people are there? Is at the zoo.
14-__________ is he doing? He is an actor.
15-__________ is she doing? She is a girl.
16-__________ is he? He Nine.
17-__________ is it? It’s five to three.

auradanielagarciacru: no encuentro la meteria de ingles
auradanielagarciacru: no respondan si no sabes o si no reporto


Respuesta dada por: sergio6426


1. Who

2. What time

3. Where

4. What

5. When

6. How old

7. What

8. What

9. Where

10. Who

11. How

12. How

13. How many

14. What

15. What

16. Where

17. What


auradanielagarciacru: gracias
Respuesta dada por: Izanvalles
1. What

2. What

3. Who

4. How

5. When

6. Who

7. Where

8. How old

9. Where

10. What

11. Where

12. What

13. How many

14. What

15. What

16. How old

17. How old
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