• Asignatura: Inglés
  • Autor: dilancuaical109
  • hace 4 años

Completa la oraciones con el verbo en parentesis ,tomando en cuenta los cambios en tercera persona 1.I ( study) English every day.
2.We (teach) english.
3.He ( Pay ) me well.
4.Danielle ( fly )to paris once a years.
5.She neder (do) her homeworks
6.This girls always (push)somebody
7.They (want)to do someting especial tonigt
8.David never (mix)eggs and vinegar
9.The room (to be)on fire
10.I usually (help)my mother cook

cadenakevin234: Gracias
dilancuaical109: es para hoy po fa


Respuesta dada por: Anónimo




dilancuaical109: chistosa
Respuesta dada por: leilanyc14
1- I do her homework
2- Push somebody
3- He teach English
4- Danielle fly to Paris once a year
5- She never study English every day
6- This girls always mix eggs and vinegar
7- They help my mother cook
8- David never want to do something special tonight
9- The room pay me well
10- I usually to be on fire
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