Con el objetivo de explorar tus conocimientos previos acerca de los tipos de saludos y despedidas que
conoces, trabajaremos con los siguientes ejercicios.
Instructions: Classify the following greetings and leave-takings in two columns:
Hello, good morning, good afternoon, hey, hi, how’s everything? Good- bye, see you, see you later, so long,
itr was nice to meet you, see you around, good-night. How have you been? What’s new? How’s it going?
Greetings Greetings Leave-taking
Hi Good bye
Hy See you , see you later
Hello So long its was nice to meet you
How is everything? See you around
Good morning Good night
Good afternoon Later!
how have you been?
What is new?
How is ti going?
Clasificando greetings y leave-takings segun las opciones dadas de la misma:
→ Greetings
- Hello.
- Good morning.
- Good afternoon.
- Hey.
- Hi.
- How’s everything?
- So long,
- How have you been?
- What’s new?
- How’s it going?
→ Leave-takings
- Goodbye.
- See you.
- See you later.
- It was nice to meet you.
- See you around.
- Good-night.
- Later!
Al igual que en Español, el inglés tiene distintas maneras de saludarse y despedirse. Cada una correspondiendo a situaciones diarias que acontecen en nuestras vidas. Así pues, comprender cada uno es de suma importancia, para saber cuándo utilizarlo.
Aprende sobre el presente simple en: