• Asignatura: Inglés
  • Autor: Aresva
  • hace 9 años

Numeros del 1 a 1000 en ingles


Respuesta dada por: cami1604
one,two,three, four,five,six,seven,eight,nine,ten,eleven,twelve,thirteen,fourteen,fiveteen,
eighty,ninety,one hundred ,two hundred , three hundred, one thousand
Respuesta dada por: anarellaurbaez

Uno = 1 = One.

Dos = 2 = Two.

Tres = 3 = Three.

Cuatro = 4 = Four.

Cinco = 5 = Five.

Seis = 6 = Six.

Siete = 7 = Seven.

Ocho = 8 = Eight.

Nueve = 9 = Nine.

Diez = 10 = Ten.

Once = 11 = Eleven.

Doce = 12 = Twelve.

Trece = 13 = Thirteen.

Catorce = 14 = Fourteen.

Quince = 15 = Fiveteen.

Dieciseis = 16 = Sixteen.

Diecisiete = 17 = Seventeen.

Dieciocho = 18 = Eighteen.

Diecinueve = 19 = Nineteen.

Veinte = 20 = Twenty.

Veintiuno = 21 = Twenty one.

Veintidos = 22 = Twenty two.

Veintitres = 23 = Twenty three.

Veintitcuatro = 24 = Twenty four.

Veinticinco = 25 = Twenty five.

Veintiseis = 26 = Twenty six.

Veintisiete = 27 = Twenty seven.

Veintiocho = 28 = Twenty eight.

Veintinueve = 29 = Twenty nine.

Treinta = 30 = Thirty.

Treinta y uno = 31 = Thirty one.

Treinta y dos = 32 = Thirty two.

Treinta y tres = 33 = Thirty Three.

Treinta y cuatro = 34 = Thirty Four.

Treinta y cinco = 35 = Thirty Five.

Treinta y seis = 36 = Thirty Six.

Treinta y siete = 37 = Thirty Seven.

Treinta y ocho = 38 = Thirty Eight.

Treinta y nueve = 39 = Thirty Nine.

Cuarenta = 40 = Forty.

Cuarenta y uno = 41 = Forty one.

Cuarenta y dos = 42 = Forty two.

Cuarenta y tres = 43 = Forty three.

Cuarenta y cuatro = 44 = Forty four.

Cuarenta y cinco = 45 = Forty five.

Cuarenta y seis = 46 = Forty six.

Cuarenta y siete = 47 = Forty seven.

Cuarenta y ocho = 48 = Forty eight.

Cuarenta y nueve = 49 = Forty nine.

Cincuenta = 50 = Fifty.

Cincuenta y uno = 51 = Fifty one.

Cincuenta y dos = 52 = Fifty two.

Cincuenta y tres = 53 = Fitfy three.

Cincuenta y cuatro = 54 = Fifty four.

Cincuenta y cinco = 55 = Fifty five.

Cincuenta y seis = 56 = Fifty six.

Cincuenta y siete = 57 = Fifty seven.

Cincuenta y ocho = 58 = Fifty eight.

Cincuenta y nueve = 59 = Fifty nine.

Sesenta = 60 = Sixty.

Sesenta y uno = 61 = Sixty one.

Sesenta y dos = 62 = Sixty two.

Sesenta y tres = 63 = Sixty three.

Sesenta y cuatro = 64 = Sixty four.

Sesenta y cinco = 65 = Sixty five.

Sesenta y seis = 66 = Sixty six.

Sesenta y siete = 67 = Sixty seven.

Sesenta y ocho = 68 = Sixty eight.

Sesenta y nueve = 69 = Sixty nine.

Setenta = 70 = Seventy

Setenta y uno = 71 = seventy one.

Setenta y dos = 72 = Seventy two.

Setenta y tres = 73 = Seventy three.

Setenta y cuatro = 74 = Seventy four.

Setenta y cinco = 75 = Seventy five.

Setenta y seis = 76= Seventy six.

Setenta y siete= 77 = Seventy seven.

setenta y ocho = 78 = Seventy eight.

Setenta y nueve = 79 = seventy nine.

Ochenta = 80 = Eighty

Ochenta y uno = 81 = Eighty one.

Ochenta y dos = 82 =Eighty two.

Ochenta y tres = 83 = Eighty three.

Ochenta y cuatro = 84 = Eighty four.

Ochenta y cinco = 85 = Eighty five.

Ochenta y seis = 86 = Eighty six.

Ochenta y siete = 87 = Eighty seven.

Ochenta y ocho = 88 = Eighty eight.

Ochenta y nueve = 89 = Eighty nine.

Noventa = 90 = Ninety.

Noventa y uno = 91 = Ninety one.

Noventa y dos = 92 = Ninety two.

Noventa y tres = 93 = Ninety three.

Noventa y cuatro = 94 = Ninety four.

Noventa y cinco = 95 = Ninety five.

Noventa y seis = 96 = Ninety six.

Noventa y siete = 97 = Ninety seven.

Noventa y ocho = 98 = Ninety eight.

Noventa y nueve = 99 = Ninety nine.

Cien = 100 = One hundred.

Ciento uno = 101 = One hundred and one.

Ciento dos = 102 = One hundred and two.

Ciento tres = 103 = One hundred and three.

Ciento cuatro = 104 = One hundred and four.

Ciento cinco = 105 = One hundred and five.

Ciento seis = 106 = One hundred and six.

Ciento siete = 107 = One hundred and seven.

Ciento ocho = 108 = One hundred and eight.

Ciento nueve = 109 = One hundred and nine. 

Ciento diez = 110 = One hundred and ten.

Ciento once = 111 = One hundred and eleven.

Ciento doce = 112 = One hundred and twelve.

Ciento trece = 113 = One hundred and thirteen.

Ciento catorce = 114 = One hundred and fourteen.

Ciento quince = 115 = One hundred and fifteen.

Ciento dieciseis = 116 = One hundred and sixteen.

Ciento diecisiete = 117 = One hundred and seventeen.

Ciento dieciocho = 118 = One hundred and eighteen.

Ciento diecinueve = 119 = One hundred and nineteen.

Ciento veinte = 120 = One hundred and twenty.

Ciento treinta = 130 = One hundred and thirty.

Ciento cuarenta = 140 = One hundred and fourty.

Ciento cincuenta = 150 = One hundred and fifty.

Ciento sesenta = 160 = One hundred and sixty.

Ciento setenta = 170 = One hundred and seventy.

Ciento ochenta = 180 = One hundred and eighty.

Ciento noventa = 190 = One hundred and ninety.

Doscientos = 200 = Two hundred.

Doscientos Diez = 210 = Two hundred and ten.

Trescientos = 300 = Three hundred.

Cuatrocientos = 400 = Four hundred.

Quinientos = 500 = Five hundred.

Seiscientos = 600 = Six hundred.

Setecientos = 700 = Seven hundred.

Ochocientos = 800 = Eight hundred.

Novecientos = 900 = Nine hundred.

Mil = 1000 = One thousand.

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