• Asignatura: Inglés
  • Autor: danielanielsalas
  • hace 5 años

redacta 5 rutinas deportivas usando must y have to


Respuesta dada por: yoveyquerenriqueh


Explicación:To warm up our body you have to stretch, from the legs to the head.

To exercise our legs we must work our muscles, making an effort little by little every day.

If you want to improve your resistance, you have to push yourself a little more day by day.

If you want to tone your body, you must perform specific exercises for each area of the body.

If you want to exercise in a correct way, you have to be strict with your training and have a trainer.

Respuesta dada por: angeltoms3

5 Rutinas deportivas con "must" y "have to"

  • You must get up early to run or work out to warm up.
  • You have to organize a routine of training every day to grow your muscle.
  • Furthermore, you must push yourself up every day to have resistance.
  • You have to eat healthy with good proteins and carbohydrates.
  • You must rest at least two days per week, so your muscle could grow properly.


  • Debes levantarte temprano para correr o hacer ejercicio para calentar.
  • Tienes que organizar una rutina de entrenamiento todos los días para hacer crecer tu músculo.
  • Además, debes esforzarte todos los días para tener resistencia.
  • Hay que comer sano con buenas proteínas y carbohidratos.
  • Debe descansar al menos dos días a la semana, para que su músculo pueda crecer correctamente.

Ver más en: https://brainly.lat/tarea/13214214

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