• Asignatura: Inglés
  • Autor: Anónimo
  • hace 4 años


possive pronouns
A)_ choose the correct words.
Can you download some songs for
1_ me /mine?
2_ my/mine laptop is old and
3_your/yours is really fast.

4 They/their posted some comments on
5 our/ours blog last night.There were other comments too, but
6 Their/theirs were really negative.Did they post anything on
7 yours/your blog page?

8 who/whose is this back pack? I asked jenna but it isn't
9 Hers/her back pack. Where's hudson? Maybe it 's
10 him /his
por fa respondan son (61 puntos) los que sepan doy corona a la mejor respuesta ​

UNANSE: ya la respondi :v


Respuesta dada por: UNANSE


Aver ya te ayudo


Can you download some songs for

me , my laptop is old and

your is really fast.

They posted some comments on

5 our blog last night.There were other comments too, but

6 Their were really negative.Did they post anything on  your blog page?

8 whose is this back pack? I asked jenna but it isn't

9 her back pack. Where's hudson? Maybe it 's

10 him

Espero te ayude (No soy tan bueno en ingles pero a mi parecer asi ya esta bien)

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