• Asignatura: Inglés
  • Autor: azulini07
  • hace 5 años

cause and effect of feudalism?

azulini07: plis pliss pliss
azulini07: Doy coronita
Vnnzu: Tenia que ser en ingles?
azulini07: si, gracias
Vnnzu: a ok de nada :)


Respuesta dada por: Vnnzu


The Causes of the Emergence of Feudalism are:

The economic and social crises that formed the barbarian invasions.

The weakening of the monarchies from the early Middle Ages.

The Cracking of the social, political and economic order.

The inability of kings to defend the sovereignty of the states.

Granting of large territorial extensions to the Lords in exchange for protection.

The custom of the Carolingian kings to donate large tracts of land to their neighbors to protect themselves from the barbarians.

The Hungarian, Norman and Saracen invasions.

CONSEQUENCES OF ECONOMIC FEUDALISM Ruralization of the economy (agriculture and livestock). Crafts, metallurgy and blacksmithing. Commercial and monetary decline. POLITICAL AUTARKY Territorial fragmentation of power (kingdoms).

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