• Asignatura: Inglés
  • Autor: oliveirarebeka4346
  • hace 4 años

como puedo pasar a negativo y interogativo las siguientes oraciones:
sheila plays the piano every day ,
my parents are watching a movie now ,
tomas is swimming in the river at this moment ,
the students wear uniforms sometimes


Respuesta dada por: albxmontero


Sheila plays the piano every day:

- Negativo: Sheila doesn't play the piano every day.

- Interrogativo: Does Sheila play the piano every day?

My parents are watching a movie now:

- Neg: My parents aren't watching a movie now.

- Int: Are my parents watching a movie now?

Tomas is swimming in the river at this moment:

- Neg: Tomas isn't swimming in the river at this moment.

- Int: Is Tomas swimming in the river at this moment?

The students wear uniforms sometimes:

- Neg: The students don't wear uniforms.

- Int: Do students wear uniforms sometimes?

Respuesta dada por: aschleetorres

Respuesta: - sheila doesn't play the piano every day. does sheila play the piano every day?. - my parents aren't watching a movie now. Are my parents watching a movie now?. -Tomas isn't swimming in the river at this moment. Is tomas swimming in the river ar this moment?. -The students don't wear uniforms sometimes. Do the students wear uniforms sometimes?.

Explicación: en la 1 y 2 oracion esta en present simple entonces en negativo si es I, WE, THEY, YOU se agrega el do o don't (auxiliar) pero si es SHE, HE O IT se agrega el does not o does(auxiliar) y la S al final del verbo solo se usa en oraciones afirmativas. y en la 2 y 3 oracion se pone cambia el is por isn't(auxiliar), are por aren't(auxiliar) y las estructuras para present simple son:

affirmative: Subject + verb (se agrega s o es) + complement

negative: subject + does not o do not + verb + complement

interrogative: Does o Do + subject + verb + complement + ?

y para las demas oraciones es esta estructura

affirmative: Subject + verb (se le agrega el ing) + complement

negative: subject + is, are or am (depende del sujeto) + verb (se le agrega el ing) + complement

interrogative: Is, are or am (depende del sujeto) + subject + verb se le agrega el ing) + complement + ?

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