• Asignatura: Inglés
  • Autor: jorgeblanco165616n
  • hace 9 años

una historia con 40 adjetivos por favor pueden ponerlas en mayusculas los adjetivo.


Respuesta dada por: violettaomg387
Many years ago, in a distant country, there was a beautiful girl with green eyes and blond hair. Besides beautiful, she was a tender woman he treated everyone with kindness and always had a smile. He lived with his stepmother a despot and bossy woman who had two daughters so conceited as unbearable. Ugly and ungainly, despised sweet girl could not stand because it was more beautiful than them.They treated her like a servant. While the matrons slept in comfortable beds with canopy, she did it in a humble garret. Nor he eats the same dishes and had to settle for leftovers. As if that were not enough, the hardest work had to perform household: washing dishes, doing laundry, mopping the floors and clean the chimney. The poor thing was always dirty and full of ash, so everyone called her Cinderella.
One day, came home a letter from the palace. It was said that Alberto, the king's son, was to be held that evening a gala at which all marriageable women of the kingdom were invited. The prince looked wife and hoped to meet her in dance.
Cinderella's stepsisters became mad with joy! to their rooms They rushed to choose the most pompous dresses and outlandish jewelry that had to impress power. The two pining for the handsome heir and argue heatedly about put them who would be the lucky one.
- It is clear that I will choose me! I'm more slender and intelligent. Besides ... Look how good I feel this dress! - He said most revealing her rabbit teeth while ribbons corset so strong I could hardly breathe pressed.
- Do not even dream about it! You're not as nice as me! Besides, I know for a fact that the prince likes women with big eyes and penetrating gaze - said the younger sister while eyes bulging like a toad painted.
Cinderella watched them half hidden and dreamed of going to this wonderful dance. Like a bloodhound, stepmother appeared from the shadows and made it clear it was only for distinguished ladies.
- Do not you dare show up there, Cinderella! With those rags you can not show up at the palace. You dedicate yourself to sweep and mop, which is what you serve.
Poor Cinderella went to the small room where he slept and wept bitterly. Through the window he saw the three women out emperifolladas to go to the big party, while she was alone with a broken heart.
- How unfortunate I am! Why you treat me so badly? - Repeated inconsolably.
Suddenly, the room lit up. Through tears he saw a middle-aged woman and good-natured face began to speak with velvety voice.
- Dear ... Why are you crying? You do not deserve to be sad.
- I'm very unhappy! My stepmother has not let me go to the dance palace. I do not know why they behave so badly with me. But, who are you?
- I'm your fairy godmother and I come to help you, my child. If there is someone who has to attend the dance, it's you. Now, trust me. Come with me to the garden.
They left the house and took a pumpkin fairy godmother who was lying on the grass. He touched it with his wand and magically transformed into a luxurious golden chariot wheels, pulled by two white horses slender. Then he touched his wand at a mouse scurrying between his feet and turned it into a lean and helpful driver.
- What do you think, Cinderella ... You have made who take you to the dance!
- Oh, how wonderful, godmother! - He exclaimed the girl with these rags But I can not present myself in such an elegant place.
Cinderella was about to mourn again seeing how broken they were his shoes and rags that lay dress.
- Oops, do not worry, honey! I have it all planned.
With another magical touch disastrous he transformed his clothes in a beautiful gown. His worn shoes became a delicate and beautiful glass slippers. Her hair was gathered in a cute bow adorned with a diamond tiara that exposed her long neck She was radiant! Cinderella was amazed and began to spin happiness.
- Oh, what a gorgeous dress! And the necklace, shoes and earrings ...! Tell me this is not a dream!
- Of course not, my child. Today is your big night. Go to dance and enjoy a lot, but remember that you have to return before the chiming clock strikes twelve, because at that time the spell will be broken and everything will be as before And now hurry it's getting late!
- Thank you, thank you very much, Fairy Godmother! Thank you!
Cinderella promised to be back before midnight and went to the palace. When he entered the room where the guests were all moved aside to let her pass, as they had never seen such a beautiful and refined lady. The prince went to kiss his hand and fell in love immediately. Since that time, he had no eyes for any other woman.
Her stepmother and sisters did not recognize, as they were accustomed to see her always ragged and covered with ash. Cinderella danced and danced with the handsome prince all night. I was so entranced that was taken by surprise the sound of the first bell of the clock tower marking the twelve.
- I have to go! - Prince whispered as she ran toward the carriage that was waiting at the door.
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