• Asignatura: Inglés
  • Autor: nahomy62molina
  • hace 5 años

what is the thinkness of crost?

raptotaku: no hablo taka taka
nahomy62molina: weno
nahomy62molina: ni modo
raptotaku: XD
nahomy62molina: pense que no hablabas taka taka XD
raptotaku: verdad
nahomy62molina: si


Respuesta dada por: lizethsalazar861


Beneath the oceans, the crust varies little in thickness, generally extending only about 5 km. The thickness of the crust under the continents is much more variable, but averages about 30 km; under large mountain ranges, such as the Alps or Sierra Nevada, however, the base of the crust can reach a depth of 100 km.



Respuesta dada por: raptotaku


In geology, the crust is the outermost solid shell of a rocky planet, dwarf planet, or natural satellite. It is usually distinguished from the underlying mantle by its chemical makeup; however, in the case of icy satellites, it may be distinguished based on its phase (solid crust vs. liquid mantle).


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