• Asignatura: Inglés
  • Autor: maribeta1805
  • hace 4 años

Complete the sentences with the affirmative form of the verb.(Valor 0,5 c/u. total 5 pts.).
Example: You didn’t eat sushi. Youate sushi. *

a-She didn’t go to school. She ___________ go to school .b-They didn’t meet Sara. They _____________ Sara.
c-I didn’t buy a car. I _____________ a car. d-He didn’t do the test. He ___________ the test.
e-My sister didn’t have a pet. She ___________ a pet. f-We didn’t bring the gifts. We ______________ the gifts.
g-Sara didn’t send an e-mail. She ___________ an e- mail. h-You didn’t write a poem. You ____________ a poem.
i-David didn’t take a taxi. He _____________ a taxi. j-Tina didn’t read the novel. She ____________read a novel.


Respuesta dada por: estrellasdelfuturo79


a She went to school.

b They met Sara.

c I bought a car.

d He did the test.

e She had a pet.

f We brought the gifts.

g She sent an e- mail.

h You wrote a poem.

i He took a taxi.

j She read a novel.


Los verbos Irregulares cuando cambian a pasado su forma es diferente.

Go - ir - went - fué

Meet - conocer - met - conoció

Buy - comprar - Bought - compró

Do - hacer - Did - hizo

Have - tener - Had - tuvo

Bring - traer - Brought - trajo

Send - enviar - sent - envió

Write - escribir - wrote - escribió

Take - tomar - asir - took - agarró

Read - leer - Read - leyó

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