• Asignatura: Inglés
  • Autor: yexeyavila
  • hace 9 años

oraciones con and y con but xfaa necesitoo esas oraciones


Respuesta dada por: MaríaPaulaRayo
* I'm cooking pasta and rice.
* I can decide between the blue shoes and the red shoes.
* You must study and work.
* We want beer and steak.
* I need a paper and a pencil.

* I wanted pasta but my mom didn´t cook that.
* She prefers the red shoes but her money isn't enough.
* I need to study today but I'm really tired.
* I know you want to drink beer but I don't want you to get drunk
* I was going to buy a pencil, but there were not pencils in that shop

yexeyavila: me faltab 5 mas xfaa??
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