• Asignatura: Inglés
  • Autor: emer123
  • hace 9 años

nesesito 10 oraciones con do y does


Respuesta dada por: JuanaJu
1. she does read the newspaper every day.
2. You do work very hard.
3. He does teach mathematics.
4. The bus does stop at the corner.
5. She does want to learn French.
6. He does enjoy his English class.
7. Mr. Rossi does work with my uncle.
8. I do speak two languages.
9. We do try arrive on time.
10. She does eat in the cafeteria every day.
Respuesta dada por: sofiaseptiembre
1 she does read the newspaper every day (ella lee el periodico cada dia)

2 we do come to school by boos (nosotros vamos a la escuela en autobus)

3 you do workvery hard ( tu trabajas muy duro)

4she does like to sit in the sun
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