• Asignatura: Inglés
  • Autor: Tamia16
  • hace 4 años

Complete with there are/there is
3: _________50 states in the United States.
4: No________polar bears at the South Pole.
5: A: ______a message for me? B: No
6: Why_____________so many cars in the parking lot?
7: A: I’m humgry. B: _______a restaurant across the Street.
8: How many days_________in March, thirty or thirty one?
9: _________a few things. I have to do this afternoon.
10: A: __________a post office nearby? B: I’m sorry. Idon’t know.
11: _______something I can help you with?
12: No. _________Public holidays next month.
13: How many countries_______in the world?
14:___________a woman in the picture. She is smiling.
15: ___________only three more days before the exam. Let’s study


Respuesta dada por: sahidalvarez54otvlmx


3 There are

4 there are

5 is there

6 are there

7 There is

8 are there

9 there are

10 is there

11 Is there

12 there are

13 are There

14 there is

15 there are

Explicación :

-There is es para singular o sea para 1 persona o cosa.

-There are es para 2 o más personas o cosas .

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