• Asignatura: Inglés
  • Autor: franzvillafuerte
  • hace 4 años

Change affirmative sentwnces to negative sentences using present simple
and auxiliary Do + not
They wash the clothes
I finish my homework
You sleep in my house
We dance in the party
They cook a big chicken
You speak loudly in the meeting
We practice English every day
You think in your couple every day
I read too books
We have a lot of dolls


Respuesta dada por: albxmontero


They don't wash the clothes.

I don't finish my homework.

You don't sleep in my house.

We don't dance in the party.

They don't cook a big chicken.

You don't speak loudly in the meeting.

We don't practice English every day.

You don't think in your couple every day.

I don't read too many books.

We don't have a lot of dolls.  

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