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Giulia Rossi is twelve years old. She's from Italy and lives in Rome with her parents
and sister. Her sister is ten years old. Giulia is 1 m, 60 cm tall, and her sister is 1 m, 40 cm. Giulia is older and taller than her sister.
Giulia is artistic and is very good at singing. Every day, she practices with her teacher. She's hardworking and listens carefully to her teacher.
Every weekend, Giulia sings in concerts and operas. Her family travels with her to different cities around Italy. Giulia is famous in Italy and sells her songs in stores and on the Internet. One day, she wants to sing in concerts in London and New York.
How old is Giulia?
What's Giulia good at?
Who's older, Giulia or her sister?
How tall is Giulia's sister?
Where does Giulia sell her songs?
She's twelve years old.
Where does Giulia want to sing?
Respuesta dada por:
A) Giulia is twelve years old
B) She's very good singing
C) Giulia's sister is ten years old
D) Giulia's sister is 1m 40cm
E) Giulia sings in concerts and operas
F) In concerts in London and New York
Respuesta dada por:
Giulia is 12 years old
Giulia is very good at singing
Giulia is twelve years old
Giulia is very good at singing
Giulia is older
His sister is 1 m, 40 cm.
Sell his songs in the store and on the internet
Giulia wants to sing at concerts in London and New York
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