• Asignatura: Inglés
  • Autor: maikoll12
  • hace 4 años

redactar un parrafo en inglés referente a la profesión de un miembro de la familia​


Respuesta dada por: axelnunez243


My dad’s name is Ramon. He’s 42 years old, but he looks younger. People think he is 30 or 32 years old. He is a carpenter and he has his own company.

My mom is so beautiful. Her name is Andrea. She is 37 years old. She was born in Buenos Aires. She moved to Córdoba when she was 25 years. She is a lawyer. Actually, she is one of the best lawyers in Córdoba.

Dani is my little sister. Her name is Daniela, but everybody calls her Dani. She is 7 years old. She is funny and friendly. I love her, and I help her a lot with her homework. In school she is good at English and biology. I’m so proud of her.

I love my family and they love me too. On weekends we usually go to interesting places like parks, museums, swimming pools. We have fun all the time. Please Sharon tell me about your family.


el largo pero espero que te ayude dame coronita porfa

eduissssssssss: y la traduccion en español porque no la colocaste nesesito saber que dise????
Respuesta dada por: yamileth99n


my family is made up of four people my mom my dad my brother and me my mom is a decorator my dad is a technician and my brother studies my name is ............ my mom's name is .... ... my father's name is ........... and my brother's name is ........... my father is ....... years old my mother ... ..years my brother is ......... and I am ........ that's my family


en donde estan los puntitos es en donde tienes que poner tu informacion

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