• Asignatura: Inglés
  • Autor: rodrigocor64
  • hace 4 años

Rellena los espacios con can’t o couldn’t y con uno de los verbos de
la tabla que aparece a continuación:


Eat, Understand, Drive, Buy, Leave, Answer.

.When I was a student, I _____________ expensive clothes.

You ______ because you don’t have a license.

I’m confused about the lessons today. I ____________ everything what the
teacher is saying.

.The students ______ the questions on their exams because they haven’t studied.

.She wants to attend her class, but she ______ her sick mother alone.


Respuesta dada por: oh67095
  1. couldn't buy
  2. can't drive
  3. couldn't understand
  4. can't answer
  5. can't leave

AxelJ912: xD
AxelJ912: Creo que van a decir que me copie xD
AxelJ912: xD
Respuesta dada por: AxelJ912


-  Buy

- Drive

- Understand

- Answer

- Leave

De nada :D

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