Para realizar oraciones con el primer condicional de manera interrogativa tenemos que colocar primero la cláusula de futuro y luego la clausula "if".
Will you be here if i leave?
Yes, i will.
Will you hear the song if i tell you?
Yes, i will.
Will you eat if i say no?
- No, i will not.
Will they walk if he say the magic word?
- No, they will not.
Will he sleep if you are not there?
- Yes, he will.
Will they run if the teacher scream?
- No, they will not.
Will you miss him if he leave the country?
- Yes, i will.
En inglés existen distintos tipos de condicionales, el "condicional cero", "primer condicional" "segundo condicional" y "tercer condicional".
El primer condicional se usa para hablar de situaciones que podrían pasar, su estructura es la siguiente:
Oraciones Afirmativas
- If + sujeto + presente simple + sujeto + will + verbo en infinitivo
- Sujeto + will + verbo en infinitivo + if + sujeto + presente simple
Oraciones Negativas
- If + sujeto + don't/doesn't + presente simple, won't + verbo en infinitivo.
- Sujeto + won't + verbo en infinitivo + if + sujeto + don't/doesn't + presente simple
Oraciones Interrogativas
- Will + verbo en infinitivo + if + presente simple +?
1. Will you travel this month if you have time?
- Yes, I will travel this month if I have time
2. Will you go if I don't go?
- No, I won't go I don't go
3. Wil she go to the movies if her friends go?
- Yes, if her friends go, she will go to the movies
4. If the score one more goal, will they win?
- Yes, if they score one more goal, they'll win
5. Will you buy ice cream if you go to the supermarket?
- No, I won't buy ice cream if I go to the supermarket
6. Will Mary stay working if her boss asks her to?
- Yes, if her boss asks her to stay, she will
7. Will you pass if you don't study for this test?
- No, if I don't study, I won't pass
8. Will you finish reading the book if you find it?
- Yes, if I find the book, I will finish it
9. Will Mark stay up late if he has to wake up early?
- No, if he has to wake up early he won't stay up late
10. If Charlie has to study for her test will he do it?
- Yes, he will study for his test if he has to
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