1 Rewrite the following sentences, correcting the errors.
1. If you return a rental car and it's almost out of gas, who has to fill up it?
If you return a rental car and it's almost out of gas, who has to fill it up?
2. The car's ready. Can you pick up it before 5:00?
3. The car? I'm planning to drop off it at the rental office, not the airport.
4. There's something wrong with the headlights. I can't turn on them.
5. I can't stand that loud music while I drive. Could you please turn off it?
If you return a rental car and it's almost out of gas, who has to fill up it?
If you return a rental car and it's almost out of gas, who has to fill it up?
The car's ready. Can you pick up it before 5:00?
The car´s ready. Can you pick it up before 5:00?
The car? I'm planning to drop off it at the rental office, not the airport.
The car? I´m planning to drop it off at the rental office, not the airport.
There's something wrong with the headlights. I can't turn on them.
There's something wrong with the headlights. I can't turn them on.
I can't stand that loud music while I drive. Could you please turn off it?
I can't stand that loud music while I drive. Could you please turn it off ?
Las siguientes respuestas corresponden al tema "Placement Of Direct Objects With Phrasal Verbs". Por tanto, las oraciones corregidas quedan de la siguiente manera:
1. If you return a rental car and it’s almost out of gas, who has to fill it up?
2. The car’s ready. Can you pick it up before 5:00?
3. The car? I’m planning to drop it off at the rental office, not the airport.
4. There’s something wrong with the headlights. I can’t turn them on.
5. I can’t stand that loud music while I drive. Could you please turn it off?
¿Qué son los phrasal verbs?
Los phrasal verbs son verbos compppuestos por dos partes: un verbo principal y una partícula adverbial. Esto cambia el significado del verbo principal.
Phrasal verbs y objetos
Muchos phrasal verbs toman un objeto. En la mayoría de los casos, la partícula puede ir antes o después del objeto si el objeto no es un pronombre personal.
- Si el objeto es un pronombre personal ( yo, tú, él, nosotros , etc.), siempre anteponemos el pronombre a la partícula: who has to fill it up?
Algunos ejemplos de phrasal verbs que pueden seprarse son:
- turn on
- turn off
- pick up
- drop off
- fill up
aquí encontrarás más ejemplos de phrasal verbs