• Asignatura: Inglés
  • Autor: sofiapenaher
  • hace 4 años

Una redacción en inglés de un email ,dirigido a una amiga q viene a visitarte a tu ciudad ; y tú le tienes q contar lo planes q vais a hacer mientras esté en tu ciudad

Zhenn8: Dime qué tan largo debe ser y de qué cuidad eres, te lo escribo yo
sofiapenaher: Soy de coruña ,galicia
sofiapenaher: Y tiene q ser más o menos de 120 palabras q se me olvidó ponerlo antes


Respuesta dada por: vikivictoriami


hello friend ,how are you qurantine i have not  been able to visit you but i want  you to know that i love you


Respuesta dada por: Zhenn8

Hey (pon el nombre de tu amigo),

It is good to know that you are coming to Coruña, it has been a long time! I’m excited to show you all the things we can do once you are here.

First of all, we can go to a restaurant, the seafood here in Coruña is the best! And that’s not the only good thing about Coruña, Coruña is known as the ‘Glass City’ due to its unique architectural style of constructing galerías – you know, enclosed glass balconies – onto the side of its buildings. I know you love this kind of things, that’s why I tell you that the best galerías can be seen on the harbor front along Avenida Marina, but there are also many in the center of the city and along Avenida Motto too. So we have a lot to see.

By the way, this could be the perfect opportunity for spending time together just doing nothing as well, I miss those times since you are my best friend.

Hope to see you soon.

(Pon tu nombre aquí)

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