• Asignatura: Inglés
  • Autor: aguilarwillis787
  • hace 4 años

1. at a candy bar for energy before a competition.

No! A candy bar only gives you energy for a very short time. The best thing is to eat a banana, like professional tennis players do.

2. Only worry about your diet if you are overweight.

This is silly. Healthy eating is not just about weight A healthy diet is important for good skin, teeth and general health

3. Take vitamins and eat whatever you want. Vitamins can help you be healthy. However, it doesn't mean you can eat anything you want. Remember to avoid high-fat foods like hamburgers and french fries

4. Skip breakfast and stay thin.

you don't eat breakfast, you'll feel hungry later. You also need to eat breakfast to help you concentrate at school. Don't skip breakfast and avoid unhealthy snacks and sodas.

5. Bread and potatoes make you fat. No they don't. These are carbohydrates and your body needs them. The important thing is to eat a balanced diet, so remember to eat different types of healthy food every day



Respuesta dada por: kiriwolf0


que hay que hace .-.?


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