• Asignatura: Inglés
  • Autor: angelsthor
  • hace 4 años

Conjuga los verbos entre paréntesis en present perfect continuous.
1. Claire __________________________________(teach) English since 2006.
2. We (look) _____________________________for that document all day.
3. Mr Smith (speak) _________________________ on the phone for two hours.
4. The students are exhausted because they (take) ________________ a difficult test.
5. He (live) __________________________ here since he was a child.


Respuesta dada por: estrellasdelfuturo79


1 Claire has been teaching English since 2006

2 We have been looking for that document all day

3 Mr Smith has been speaking on the phone for two hours

4 Because They have been taking a difficult test.

5 He has been living here since he was a child


La estructura gramatical del Presente Perfecto Continuo es la sigiuiente:

Sujeto + Have o Has + Been + Verbo con ING + Complemento

Present perfect continuous es el tiempo verbal que indica que una acción ya ha iniciado en el pasado y continúa hasta el tiempo en el que nos encontramos, es decir, el presente. ... Este tiempo verbal también expresa una acción o hecho que indica que la acción o actividad principal ha finalizado.

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