Alguien me ayudaría a completar este texto sobre una casa ecológica.
Walk around the streets of your city.
___rubbish on the streets? In many countries in the world ___ old bottles and paper everywhere. It is a big problem, but Alfredo Santa Cruz from Puerto Iguazú, Argentina, has got a solution. It's a house of bottles. ___ thousands of bottles in his house.
___ one bedroom, but ___(not) a normal bet in it. The bed is from bottles. ___ chairs from bottles, too. ___(not) bottles in the roof and the door. ___ old plastic CD boxes instead. In fact, ___(not) many new things in Alfredo's house. Everything is it good for environment.
___ any house like this in your ccountry?
Walk around the streets of your city.
There are rubbish on the streets? In many countries in the world there are old bottles and paper everywhere. It is a big problem, but Alfredo Santa Cruz from Puerto Iguazú, Argentina, has got a solution. It's a house of bottles. There are thousands of bottles in his house.
There is one bedroom, but there isn´t (not) a normal bet in it. The bed is from bottles. There are chairs from bottles, too. There aren´t (not) bottles in the roof and the door. There are old plastic CD boxes instead. In fact, There aren´t (not) many new things in Alfredo's house. Everything is it good for environment.
There are any house like this in your ccountry?
El there is se refiere a alguna cosa singular (Ej. Aqui esta ese perro)
El there are se refiere a varias cosas (plural) (Ej. Aqui estan esos perros)
Y ya los aren´t e isn´t son los negativos o simplemente niegan algo
Completando el texto sobre una casa ecológica tenemos lo siguiente
Walk around the street of your city. Is there rubbish in the street? In many countries in the world there are old bottles and paper everywhere. It is a big problem, but Alfredo Santa Cruz from Puerto Iguazú, Argentina, has got a solution. It's a house of bottle. There are thousands of bottles in his house.
There is a one bedroom, but there isn't a normal bed in it. The bed is from bottles. There are chairs from bottles, too. There aren't bottles in the roof and the door. There are plastic CD boxes instead. In fact, there aren't many new things in Alfredo's house. Everything it is good for environment.
Is there any house like this in your country?
There is y There are
"There is" y "there are" se usan para expresar la existencia de algo o para preguntar por la existencia de algo (is there, are there).
- There is se usa para oraciones singulares
- There are se usa para oraciones plurales
- There is not es la negación para la oraciones singulares
- There are not es la negación para las oraciones plurales
El uso de la negación le dará un sentido opuesto a la oración.Ejemplo:
- Sin negación (there is o there are)
There are bottles in the roof and the door / Hay botellas en el techo y en la puerta - Con negación (There isn't o there aren't)
There aren't bottles in the roof and the door / No hay botellas en el techo y en la puerta
Para realizar una pregunta primero se coloca el verbo singular o plural (is o are) y luego "there". Ejemplo:
- Plural:
Are there old bottles in the street? / ¿Hay botellas viejas en la calle - Singular:
Is there rubbish in the street? / ¿Hay basura en la calle?
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