• Asignatura: Inglés
  • Autor: colombia192013
  • hace 4 años

1 Plan a trip with your friend. Write questions. Then answer.
1 Where / go?
Where are we going to go?
2 When / go?
3 How / travel?
4 Who / with?
5 Where/ stay?
6 What / take?
7 What / visit?
8 What / buy?
9 When / come back?​



Respuesta dada por: Anónimo
  • Es un ejercicio de going to:

Going to es un tiempo verbal que es que se va hacer sin importancia.

Hagamos tu ejercicio:

  1. We going to Australia
  2. When are we going to? We going to January 26th at 6:00pm.
  3. How are we travel? We going to travel for a plane.
  4. Who are we going to with? We going to with our parents.
  5. Where are we stay? We are going to stay in a hotel.
  6. What are we going to visit? We can walk in feet, so we are going to visit the beaches.
  7. What are we going to buy? We are going to buy memories  objects about Australia.
  8. When are we going to come back? We are going to come back in February 15th at 2:00pm.


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