• Asignatura: Inglés
  • Autor: luisvianna
  • hace 4 años

A) Complete o parágrafo abaixo com os verbos entre parênteses no passado simples.
Yesterday (to be) _______________ a busy day. I (wake) _______________ up at 6am, (have)
_______________ breakfast quickly and then I (go) _______________ to work. I (finish)
_______________ at noon and then (eat) _______________ some lunch. Afterwards I (drive)
_______________ to the shops, (buy) _______________ some paint and then (paint)
_______________my bedroom. My housemate (come) _______________ home from work so I
(help) _______________him paint his room, then we (repair) _______________ his chair as it
(wobble) _______________ a lot. I(wish) _______________ I hadn’t, as I hurt my hand! After
that I (clean) _______________ my house. I(vacuum) _______________ all the downstairs and
then (tidy) _______________ up the living room and the kitchen. I was pretty tired by then so I
(eat) ate some dinner, (yawn) _______________, and (go) _______________ to bed!
B) Complete as frases abaixo com os verbos dentro do quadrado. Escreva os verbos no passado
1. I _________________ that he was fired.
2. My mum _________________ me last night but I wasn’t at home to take her answer.
3. I _________________ to the zoo with my son last weekend.
4. I _________________ four cakes for lunch. I feel sick!
5. He _________________ him to see the doctor because he had been ill for so long.
6. I _________________ that new movie last night. It was great!
7. He _________________ his son alone all day!
8. I _________________ two bottle of grape juice last night. I don’t feel too well today.
9. They _________________ it tasted horrible.
10. It was too expensive and we _________________ too much for it.
C) Faça a tradução das frases de 1 a 5 do exercício B.


Respuesta dada por: marcelitocede20


mucho texto usa la aplicacion deep es un buen traductor te servirta mucho


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