• Asignatura: Inglés
  • Autor: shirleyve71
  • hace 4 años

oraciones con how munch​

larabrilita: es much?


Respuesta dada por: hualleflavia


How much water is in the bottle?

How much milk is in the fridge?

How much do you want?

How much money do you have in your pocket?

How much sugar do you want?

How much does the apples weight?

How much does the couch cost?

How much salt is there?

Explicación: xd ojala te sirva :)

Respuesta dada por: larabrilita


There won’t be much oil in the world.

There is much snow in the ground.

I don’t drink much coffee.

It will cost much money.

There isn’t much milk in the fridge.

I spend much time studying Math.

You drink coffe with much sugar.

he needs much time to finish her homework

it  will cost much money.

He needs much water to fill the bucket.

How much do you like the piano?

I love you so much.

How much time do you spend with them?

How much did you pay?

How much does the ticket cost?

How much do you miss her?

How many days has it been raining so far?

How much thinking did you put into this?

Hoy many people do you know in this city?

How much do you work?

Explicación:Espero te sirva :3

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