1. Read about Mafalda
Vafalda: The girl who changed a ration
Mafada is an Argentinean canoon character created by Quino in 1964. The stories of
each comic strip are full of a girl's curiosity and innocence that makes adults realize
their errors and become aware of the world's problems. Before the appearance of
Mafalda on television, the cornic strips were published in local newspapers until the
cartoonist stopped making the series
2. Answer the following questions in your notebook
What is the Matalda cartoon about? Have you seen it?​


Respuesta dada por: davidescamillanavarr


ha lo qjso(%¶`×`π`÷`×`=¢¶€=¥°[|=¥=¢{™%=+2+29#-#815283683

Respuesta dada por: miguelmartinezcasas4


fuente braily

Explicación paso a paso:

After reading, we underline the verbs present in it:

Mafalda: The girl who changed a nation

Mafalda is an Argentinean cartoon character created by Quino in 1964. The stories of each comic strip are full of a girl’s curiosity and innocence that makes adults realize their errors and become aware of the world’s problems.

Before the appearance of Mafalda on television, the comic strips were published in local newspapers until the cartoonist stopped making the series.

2. We answer the questions:

1) What is the Mafalda Cartoon about?(?De que trata la caricature de Mafalda?

Mafalda's cartoon is about a girl who, through her innocence and astute reflections, makes adults realize their mistakes and become aware of the world's problems.

2) Have you seen it?

In fact, I have seen Mafalda's comic strips and they are to my liking.

Traducción al español:

Luego de realizar la lectura, subrayamos los verbos presentes en la misma:

Mafalda: La chica que cambió una nación

Mafalda es un personaje de dibujos animados argentino creado por Quino en 1964. Las historias de cada historieta está llena de la curiosidad y la inocencia de una niña que hace que los adultos se den cuenta de sus errores y tomen conciencia de los problemas del mundo.

2. Contestamos las preguntas:

1) ¿De qué trata la caricatura de Mafalda?

La caricatura de Mafalda trata sobre una niña quien a través de su inocencia y astutas reflexiones hace que los adultos se den cuenta de sus errores y tomen conciencia de los problemas del mundo.

2) ¿Lo has visto?

En efecto he visto las tiras cómicas de Mafalda y son de mi agrado.

coronita please :)

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