• Asignatura: Inglés
  • Autor: joshuaR7
  • hace 4 años

Tell whether each underlined possessive noun is in singular or plural.
1. That book's pages are wrinkled.
2. The girls' ball went over the fence.
3. My jacket's button needs to be fixed.
4. The horses' riders were dressed in red.
5. We can't find our cat's toy.
6. The author's books were very popular.
7. The artists' paintings quickly sold out.
8. Can you see the lion's paws?
9. The teacher's copy machine never works.
10. Can you come to my brother's house?​



Respuesta dada por: melisacarrillo28


1·- Singular


3 - Singular

4 - Plural

5. singular

6. singular

7. Plural

8. singular

9. singular

10. singular


la explicación viene claramente en tu libro pero espero y te sirva

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