• Asignatura: Inglés
  • Autor: Denilis
  • hace 4 años


Question N ° 1

¿Cristiano Ronaldo?

- Answer Options

• Had had represented Portugal
• Has Portugal represented
• Had represented Portugal
• Hasn't represented Portugal

Question N ° 2

Q. The song contest had not started

- Answer Options

 Already
 Yet
 Never
 Usually

Question N ° 3

Q. Rafael Nadal had

- Answer Options

• Earned
• Win
• Won
• Winned

Question N ° 4

Had you ____ been to Lisbon?

- Answer Options

 Ever
 Never
 Already
 Since

Question N ° 5

How long had you been studying English?

- Answer Options

• I have studied English since many years
• I have studied English four years ago
• I had studied English for many years

Question N ° 6

Q. Rafael Nadal had played tennis

- Answer Options

 Since the age of the three
 The age of three
 Fort he age of three

Question N ° 7

Q. Shakira ____ composed songs in Arabic, English, Portuguese, Spanish and Frech

- Answer Options

• Have
• Hasn't
• Had
• Hadn't

Question N ° 8

Q. The interrogative form is

- Answer Options

 Had you been?
 Had been you?
 You had been?
 Been had you?

Question N ° 9

I ____ been married for two years

- Answer Options

• Has
• Had
• Haedn’t

Question N ° 10

Q. My friend _____ my new dress yet

- Answer Options

 Had not seen
 Hadn’t seen
 Haddn’t seen

*Question N ° 11*

Q. ______ you ever been to new york?

- Answer Options

• Has
• Hasn’t
• Had

*Question N ° 12*

Q. I ___ my homework yet

- Answer Options

 Had not done
 Has done
 Hasn’t done

*Question N ° 13*

Q. _____ he given up the tournament?

- Answer Options

• Had
• Had had
• Have

Question N ° 14

Q. I ____ watched two seasons of this T.V show

- Answer Options

 Has
 Had not
 Haden’t
 Has not



Respuesta dada por: estrellasdelfuturo79


1 Had represented Portugal

2 yet

3 won

4 ever

5 I had studied English for many years

6 since the age of three

7 had

8 Had you been ?

9 had

10 Hadn't seen

11 Had

12 had not done

13 Had

14 had not


El tiempo pasado Perfecto se construye con el auxiliar Had + Verbo en participio pasado


Sujeto + Had + Verbo en participio pasado + Complemento


Sujeto + had not + Verbo en participio pasado + Complemento


Had + Sujeto + Verbo en participio pasado + Complemento?

Yet - aun - todavia. Se usa en oraciones negativas

Ever - alguna vez - algunas veces

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