• Asignatura: Inglés
  • Autor: rafroc01477
  • hace 5 años

estas oraciones en passive voice cambiarlas por favor
1. She saw the mouse in the kitchen.
2. They didn´t steal the diamond from the museum.
3. They grow coffee in Brazil.
4. She feeds the animal twice a day.
5. Teenagers use a lot of tecnology.
6. She bought a new tablet.
7. The burglar stole my silver ferrari.
8. My brother rides a motorbike.
9. Our english teacher gave a lot of homework.
10. Tom and Max ate five hamburgers.


Respuesta dada por: estrellasdelfuturo79


1. The mouse was seen in the kitchen

2. The diamond wasn't stolen from the museum

3. Coffee is grown in Brazil

4. The animal is fed twice a day

5. A lot of technology is used by them

6. A new tablet is bought by her

7. My silver ferrari was stolen by him

8. A motorbike is ridden by him

9. A lot of homework was given by him

10. Five hamburgers were eaten by them


La Voz Pasiva se construye de la siguiente manera:

El objeto Directo de la activa pasa a ser el Sujeto de la Pasiva.

Si la Activa está en presente Simple se coloca Is o Are después del Sujeto

Si la Activa está en pasado simple se coloca Was o Were después del Sujeto.

Después del Verbo to Be debemos colocar el Verbo Principal de la Activa en Participio Pasado.

Después de la Forma Verbal colocamos By + Agente o Complemento de Tiempo o Lugar

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