• Asignatura: Historia
  • Autor: gisselle52
  • hace 4 años

what was life like for the jews in greek-ruled lands ?

la ocupo ya​

macarenallamuca: Hola
gisselle52: hola
macarenallamuca: Que tal que haces
gisselle52: emm bien
darionajera0903: missa langostaaaaaaaaaaa
macarenallamuca: :)
darionajera0903: missa crustaceoooooooooo


Respuesta dada por: darionajera0903


yo no estendeishon vean missa

gisselle52: jajaj
Respuesta dada por: dorianangelo100
I would tell you but I don't know * English if you are going to translate it or if you know English I will leave you a message that someone gave me for you: God loves you :)

gisselle52: yes,tell me en spañish i Will translate in inglish
dorianangelo100: I did not understand you or mothers xd
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