• Asignatura: Inglés
  • Autor: dsebassanchezch
  • hace 4 años

9 Look at activity 8. Answer the questions.
1 Why did Laura catch a bus?
She caught a bus to go town.
2 Why did Jake make a cake?
He made a cake to have for desser
Why did Take hun flour?
4 vvily uiu Luuiu iure u vuu iu ue puin:
5 Why did Jake call his friends?​


Respuesta dada por: jhairllumi


Que tenemos que mirar

y como respondemos

Respuesta dada por: gabserlab

Después de ver (look at) la imagen con la lista de actividades pendientes por realizar de Laura y Jake, se responden las siguientes preguntas (questions) en pasado simple:

1. Why did Laura catch a bus?

    She caught a bus to go to town.

2. Why did Jake make a cake?

    He made a cake to have for dessert.

3. Why did Jake buy flour?

    He bought flour to make dumplings.

4. Why did Laura take a ball to the park?

    She took a ball to the park to play soccer.

5. Why did Jake call his friends?

     He called his friends to invite them for dinner.

Estructura de las oraciones en pasado simple

  • Afirmativa

        Sujeto + verbo en pasado + complemento.

  • Negativa

        Sujeto + did not / didn´t + verbo en forma básica + complemento.

  • Interrogativa

        Did + sujeto + verbo en forma básica + complemento?

Para aprender más sobre el pasado simple en inglés puedes consultar aquí: brainly.lat/tarea/291964


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