• Asignatura: Inglés
  • Autor: candebeltran
  • hace 10 años

Hola! Necesito un texto minimo de tres parrafos (no tan largos) utilizando el "going to" (no tienen que ser dialogos)
Por favor! Ayuda! 

vilu2013: te ayudare si me ayudas
candebeltran: que necesitas?
vilu2013: ve a inicio y resuelve el mio
acrilica123: going to a place in town to get a job and a house, then get a house, goes home and bought a new dog
Creo que este esta bien fijate
kiluz97: =D


Respuesta dada por: vilu2013
Carlos is going to go to Morelia tomorrow. He´s going to drive his car around 3 or 4 hours. When he has arrived, he is going to pay the hotel and sleep some hours. Then, at night, he is going to eat at the hotel´s restaurant and see the performance show
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