• Asignatura: Inglés
  • Autor: MirianRamos
  • hace 4 años

Buenas, me pueden ayudar con un dialogo en Ingles, sobre tecnologia, utilizando tercera condicional.
Les agradeceria.


Respuesta dada por: ericksalazar18


1. If she had been there, I would have seen her.

2. If we had had more time, we would have visited Pompeii.

3. If I had studied more, I would have passed the exam.

4. If I had been able to afford it, I would have bought the Porsche.

5. If Bill had arrived earlier, we wouldn’t have missed the train.

6. If I hadn’t lost my keys, we would have been able to get in the house.

7. If they hadn’t told me about the exhibition, I never would have known.

8. If I hadn’t gone to the concert, I would never have met Sylvia.

9. If you had answered the phone, I would have told you the news.

10. If she had been friendlier, she wouldn’t have offended anyone.

Respuesta dada por: Césarggalletitas




how are you?

I'm fine, but it would be better ...

why you say?

I failed the technology exposition...

oh no, that's horrible news!

I know, but I think everything has been different if I studied

Heck, you're right about that, what was the test about!

Of the utopia expected in the future thanks to technology

wow, that's really interesting, why did you fail?

everything was fine, if it hadn't been for that silly power point, if only it had worked correctly none of this would happen to me....

El tercer condicional en inglés es el que se usa para hablar de las cosas que no pasaron, o para imaginar qué habría pasado si las cosas hubiesen sido diferentes. ... Una condicional es una clause que expresa una condición y que va acompañada por otra clause que expresa el resultado de dicha condición.

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