• Asignatura: Inglés
  • Autor: yamilaceleste20
  • hace 4 años

Hannah met Jamie in the summer of 2004. It was Hanna´s 21st birthday and she and her friends went to a club. They wanted to dance, but they didn´t like the music so Hannah went to speak to the DJ. She said the music was awful. The DJ looked at her and played a beautiful song for her. It was called Yellow by Coldplay.
He said that the song was for a nice girl who was dancing over there. Hannah knew that the song was for her because she was wearing a yellow dress.
When Hannah and her friends left the club the DJ was waiting at the door. So she gave him her phone number.
The next day Jamie, the DJ, phoned Hannah and invited her to dinner. He took her to a very romantic French restaurant and they talked all evening.
One evening in October, Hannah was at work. As usual she was going to meet Jamie at 5.30.
It was dark and it was raining. She looked at her watch. It was 5.20!
She ran to her car because it was too late and got in. At 5.25 she was driving along the High Street. She was going very fast because she was in a hurry.
Suddenly, a man ran across the road. He was wearing a dark coat so Hannah didn´t see him until it was too late. Although she tried to stop, she hit the man. She was afraid.
She didn´t stop and she drove to the coffee bar as fast as she could. But when she arrived Jamie wasn´t there.
She phoned him, but his phone was turned off, so she waited for ten minutes and then went home.
Two hours later a police car arrived at Hannah´s house. A policewoman knocked at the door.
She wanted to speak to her …….

Now, answer:

• Where did Hannah meet Jamie? ___________________________________________

• What was Hannah doing at the club? _____________________________________

• Where did they go on their first date? _____________________________________

• Why did Hannah run to her car one October evening? __________________________

• What did she do after she hit the man? ______________________________________

• How long did she wait for Jamie? _______________________________________

2) Write questions expressing experience. Then answer them. Use the Present Perfect

• She / take the bus to an important city? (+) _Has she ever taken the bus to an important city__? Yes, she has.

• You / break a leg? ( x ) __________________________________________________

• You / drive a Ferrari? ( - ) ________________________________________________

• They / catch a flu? ( + ) __________________________________________________

3) Been or Gone?

• I don´t live in London but I have _____________ there once.

• She is having a shower because she has ________________ to the gym.

• Where has John _____________? Will he be back soon?

• You look happy. I imagine you have __________ on holiday.

4) Answer these questions:

• How long have you studied at school? (10 years) __________________________________

• How long has the girl played for that club? (March) ___________________________________

• How long have they been married? (Christmas) _____________________________________

5) Write two sentences: one using ALREADY and one using YET:

• ___________________________________________________________

• ___________________________________________________________

6) Simple Past or Present Perfect?

a- This year Maria and Tom (win) _______________ a big prize on the lottery. They (not want) ___________ to move their house. Tom (decide) ______________ to continue working in his restaurant. He (work) ___________________ there since he (finsh) ____________ his studies. They have one wish: they want to travel abroad. They (never be) ______________ to another country before.

b- (she / ever / play ) ______________________________ handball? Yes, I (play) ___________ handball last week.

c- I (never / travel) ___________________________ to Brazil before.
d- He (just / arrive) __________________________________

7) Complete with the correct question tag:

• You will phone me, ___________________?

• He didn't use to live alone, ________________?

• We aren't going home now, _______________?

• She hasn't taken a train, ___________________?

• She wears glasses, ____________________?

x favor ayuda


Respuesta dada por: hayderosshr

Hannah conoció a Jamie en el verano de 2004. Era el cumpleaños número 21 de Hanna y ella y sus amigos fueron a un club. Querían bailar, pero no les gustaba la música, así que Hannah fue a hablar con el DJ. Dijo que la música era horrible. El DJ la miró y le puso una hermosa canción. Coldplay lo llamó Yellow.

Dijo que la canción era para una linda chica que estaba bailando allí. Hannah sabía que la canción era para ella porque llevaba un vestido amarillo.

Cuando Hannah y sus amigos dejaron el club, el DJ estaba esperando en la puerta. Entonces ella le dio su número de teléfono.

Al día siguiente, Jamie, el DJ, llamó a Hannah y la invitó a cenar. La llevó a un restaurante francés muy romántico y hablaron toda la noche.

Una noche de octubre, Hannah estaba trabajando. Como de costumbre, iba a encontrarse con Jamie a las 5.30.

Estaba oscuro y llovía. Ella miró su reloj. ¡Eran las 5,20!

Corrió hacia su coche porque era demasiado tarde y se subió. A las 5.25 estaba conduciendo por High Street. Iba muy rápido porque tenía prisa.

De repente, un hombre cruzó la calle corriendo. Llevaba un abrigo oscuro, así que Hannah no lo vio hasta que fue demasiado tarde. Aunque trató de detenerse, golpeó al hombre. Ella estaba asustada.

No se detuvo y se dirigió a la cafetería lo más rápido que pudo. Pero cuando llegó Jamie no estaba allí.

Ella lo llamó, pero su teléfono estaba apagado, así que esperó diez minutos y luego se fue a casa.

Dos horas después, un coche de la policía llegó a la casa de Hannah. Una mujer policía llamó a la puerta.

Quería hablar con ella …….

Ahora responde:

• ¿Dónde conoció Hannah a Jamie? ___________________________________________

• ¿Qué estaba haciendo Hannah en el club? _____________________________________

• ¿A dónde fueron en su primera cita? _____________________________________

• ¿Por qué Hannah corrió a su auto una noche de octubre? __________________________

• ¿Qué hizo después de golpear al hombre? ______________________________________

• ¿Cuánto tiempo esperó a Jamie? _______________________________________

2) Escriba preguntas que expresen experiencia. Entonces respondeles. Usa el presente perfecto


• ¿Toma el autobús a una ciudad importante? (+) _¿Alguna vez tomó el bus a una ciudad importante__? Si ella tiene.

• ¿Te rompes una pierna? ( X ) __________________________________________________

• ¿Conduces un Ferrari? (-) ________________________________________________

• ¿Contraen una gripe? (+) __________________________________________________

3) ¿Se ha ido o se ha ido?

• No vivo en Londres pero tuve _____________ allí una vez.

• Ella se está duchando porque tiene ________________ para ir al gimnasio.

• ¿Dónde tiene Juan _____________? ¿Volverá pronto?

• Te ves feliz. Imagino que tienes __________ de vacaciones.

4) Responda estas preguntas:

• ¿Cuánto tiempo llevas estudiando en la escuela? (10 años) __________________________________

• ¿Cuánto tiempo ha jugado la niña en ese club? (Marzo) ___________________________________

• ¿Cuánto tiempo llevan casados? (Navidad) _____________________________________

5) Escribe dos oraciones: una usando YA y otra usando YET:

• ___________________________________________________________

• ___________________________________________________________

6) ¿Pasado simple o presente perfecto?

a- Este año María y Tom (ganan) _______________ un gran premio en la lotería. Ellos (no quieren) ___________ mudar su casa. Tom (decide) ______________ seguir trabajando en su restaurante. Él (trabaja) ___________________ allí desde que (terminó) ____________ sus estudios. Tienen un deseo: quieren viajar al extranjero. Ellos (nunca estarán) ______________ a otro país antes.

b- (ella / alguna vez / juega) ______________________________ balonmano? Sí, yo (juego) ___________ balonmano la semana pasada.

c- Yo (nunca / viajo) ___________________________ a Brasil antes.

d- Él (acaba / llega) __________________________________

7) Complete con la etiqueta de pregunta correcta:

• ¿Me telefonearás, ___________________?

• ¿No solía vivir solo, ________________?

• ¿No nos vamos a casa ahora, _______________?

• ¿No ha tomado un tren, ___________________?

• Ella usa lentes, ____________________?

la tradición :3

Machacado: el echo era responder las preguntas no traducirlas
Respuesta dada por: angeltoms3

Simple Present

1) Answer the questions from the text.

Where did Hannah meet Jamie?

  • Answer: Hannah met Jamie at the club.

What was Hannah doing at the club?

  • Answer: She was celebrating her 21st birthday with her friends.

Where did they go on their first date?  

  • Answer: They went to a very romantic French restaurant.

Why did Hannah run to her car one October evening?  

  • Answer: Because it was too late and got in.

What did she do after she hit the man?  

  • Answer: She drove to the coffee bar as fast as she could

How long did she wait for Jamie?

  • Answer: She waited for ten minutes, and then she went home.

2) Write questions expressing experience. Then answer them. Use the Present Perfect


  • She / take the bus to an important city?

(+) Has she ever taken the bus to an important city? Yes, she has.

  • You / break a leg? ( x )


  • You / drive a Ferrari? ( - )


  • They / catch a flu? ( + )


3) Been or Gone?  

  • I don't live in London, but I have BEEN there once.  
  • She is having a shower because she has GONE to the gym.
  • Where has John GONE? Will he be back soon?
  • You look happy. I imagine you have BEEN on holiday.

4) Answer these questions:

How long have you studied at school? (10 years)  

  • Answer: I have studied at school for 10 years.

How long has the girl played for that club? (March)

  • Answer: She has played since March for that club.

How long have they been married? (Christmas)  

  • Answer: They have been married since Christmas.

5) Write two sentences: one using ALREADY and one using YET:  

  • They've already seen this movie.
  • She hasn't visited Germany yet.


6) Simple Past or Present Perfect?

a. This year, Maria and Tom HAVE WON a big prize on the lottery. They DIDN'T WANT to move their house. Tom DECIDED to continue working in his restaurant. He HAS WORKED there since he FINISHED his studies. They have one wish: they want to travel abroad. They HAVE NEVER BEEN to another country before.

b. DID SHE EVER PLAY handball? Yes, I PLAYED handball last week.

c. I HAVE NEVER TRAVELLED to Brazil before.


7) Complete with the correct question tag:

• You will phone me, WON'T YOU?

• He didn't use to live alone, DID HE?

• We aren't going home now, ARE WE?

• She hasn't taken a train, HAS SHE?

• She wears glasses, DOESN'T SHE?

Ver más en: https://brainly.lat/tarea/381141

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