how many odd numbers less than 5000 can be obtained from the digits 1,2,3,4 and 5 without repetition of numbers​


Respuesta dada por: maria0994


So, total 72 numbers can be formed from 1,2,3,4 and 5. All the numbers will be 5 digit odd numbers.

naikalukumay: less than 5000
maria0994: The forth place can be occupied by only 4 numbers i.e. 1,2,3 and 4 so that it is a number less than 5000 and still a four digit number.

Now, if the digits can be repeated, then the answer is = 2048

or if they cannot be repeated, then the answer is


I missed that there is no '5′ available and thus I marked an extra digit.

So answers for the above cases would be

4*7*7*7 and 4*6*5*4 respectively.
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