infografia hecha en ingles sobre la violencia de la mujer ayudameeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee porfaaaaa
Violence against women seldom begins completely openly, violent people are generally good at manipulating, especially when violence is exercised in a romantic relationship.
Many women who suffer the effects of violence are not able to identify how it started and some are not even aware that they are suffering from it.
It is a gradual phenomenon. It begins with "slightly hostile" attitudes or comments that increase and intensify over time.
It is accompanied by “false justifications” arguments that give the impression of having a certain logic to cover up the nature of the violent act: “it is for your good”, “I only say what I think”, “I am like this because I love you”, etc.
Low self-esteem
Chronic fatigue
Depression, Sadness, Discouragement
Anxiety, distress, nervous breakdown
Posttraumatic stress
Somatizations: Headaches and dizziness
Muscle tension
Weight problems, lack or excess of appetite
Loss of sexual desire
Social isolation
Skin lesions, bruises, burns
Trauma, contusions, broken bones
Injury to the sexual organs
Irregular menstruation
Unwanted pregnancies
Spontaneous and / or forced abortions
espero que te sirva en algo mi esfuerzo
XD se siempre el mejor

Violence Against Women
Facts everyone should kno
Whether at home, on the streets or during war, violence against women and girls is a human rights violation of pandemic proportions that takes place in public and private spaces.
Explore how violence against women and girls manifests itself in physical, sexual and psychological forms.
What is
intimate partner violence?
Intimate partner violence is any behaviour by a current or former partner or spouse that causes physical, sexual or psychological harm. This is one of the most common forms of violence experienced by women globally.
Fast Facts
1 in 3
Worldwide, 1 in 3 women have experienced physical or sexual violence — mostly by an intimate partner. When accounting for sexual harassment, this figure is even higher.
3 in 5
Worldwide, almost 3 in 5 women killed were killed by their partners or family in 2017.
Global and regional estimates of violence against women, WHO, 2013;
Global Study on Homicide 2019, UNODC, 2019
Child Marriage
Read More
What is
the impact of child marriage?
Child marriage usually means an end to girl’s education, vocation and her right to make life choices. Research confirms that girls who marry in childhood are at greater risk for intimate partner violence than girls of the same age who marry later.
todos los espacios q deje tiens q separar de acuerdo a tu infografia q haras
Espero te ayude reina